Introduction to quantitative methods of data analysis, including selected statistical methods, scale construction, multivariate regression, and statistical software instruction.

Must be in Government & Politics program. Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Recommended: GVPT220. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your major).
Credits: 3
Grading Method: Regular, Pass-Fail, Audit

Course Offerings

Spring 2017Instructor: Unlisted/TBDView: Syllabus