Event Date and Time
Zoom: https://go.umd.edu/kenya

Kenya is a part of the larger African conservation story dealing with many environmental issues. From climate change to endangered species, human-wildlife conflict, the complexities surrounding conservation practices, and regional policies.

This program focuses on Kenya due to its richness in wildlife and biodiversity and the increasing role of conservation on the world stage. In particular, the Maasai Mara is a vital ecosystem across Africa; its richness in biodiversity, wildlife, and waterways draws in scientists, scholars, and students from all over the world, aiming to understand how to improve policies to protect this region. 

In many parts of the world, the critical role of indigenous groups in conservation practices needs to be studied more. In Kilifi, the sacred kaya forests (a UNESCO-recognized heritage site) have existed since the 14th century. Conservation of these forests by local elders through knowledge passed down from generation to generation is an interesting case study on how implementing policies with the current generation can help future generations continue to protect these forests. Further, the Sacred Kaya Forests comply with UN-Sustainable goals: #3- Good Health and well-being, #11-Sustainable Cities and Communities, and #12 Responsible Consumption and Production.

Kenya is highly diverse—with 42 different tribes and dialects and an impressive ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity, which makes it the perfect case study to analyze conservation issues. The country’s beautiful landscapes and scenery make it attractive to those students seeking an immersive study abroad experience while enjoying the beauty of the continent of Africa.

After you commit to the program, Education Abroad will enroll you in the following three (3) credit UMD course:  GVPT 308A: Global Wildlife Conservation in Africa

Students interested in this course must register by September 23 with Education Abroad at go.umd.edu/GVPT-Kenya.

Dr. Conny Kazungu Sigel, the course instructor, will hold a virtual informative session on Thursday September 19 at 5:00pm.

She’ll answer your questions and provide insights on enhancing your education and exploring new cultures.


How to Join:

Click on the following link at the time of the event: Join Session

Conny Kazungu Sigel