Patrick C. Wohlfarth is a Professor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science in 2010 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2010-2011, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science and Center for Empirical Research in the Law at Washington University in St. Louis.  His research and teaching interests include American politics and quantitative methodology with a focus on judicial politics. His current research examines judicial behavior and legal institutions in the United States, including executive branch litigation, the impact of public opinion, and opinion writing.     

Dr. Wohlfarth is coauthor of three books:  Cognitive Aging and the Federal Circuit Courts: How Senescence Influences the Law and Judges (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming 2024); The Conscientious Justice:  How Supreme Court Justices' Personalities Influence the Law, the High Court, and the Constitution (Cambridge University Press, 2020); and U.S. Supreme Court Opinions and Their Audiences (Cambridge University Press, 2016).  His published research has also appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Law & Society Review, Journal of Law and Courts, Political Research QuarterlyPolitical Science Research and MethodsAmerican Politics ResearchState Politics & Policy Quarterly, Research and Politics, and the Washington University Journal of Law & Policy.  

His research has won the 2012 Best Paper by an Emerging Scholar Award from the Midwest Political Science Association and the 2013 Neal Tate Award for Outstanding Paper in Judicial Politics from the Southern Political Science Association.  He is also the 2015 recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award from the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland.

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  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Music, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Course Name Course Title Semester Syllabus
GVPT170 American Government Spring 2022 Syllabus
GVPT170 American Government Fall 2022 Syllabus
GVPT170 American Government Fall 2023 Syllabus
GVPT202 Politics, Constitutional Policy, and the Institution of the U.S. Supreme Court Fall 2022 Syllabus
GVPT202 Politics, Constitutional Policy, and the Institution of the U.S. Supreme Court Spring 2019 Syllabus

Scholarly Books

Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2024.  Cognitive Aging and the Federal Circuit Courts: How Senescence Influences the Law and Judges.  Oxford University Press: Forthcoming.
Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2020.  The Conscientious Justice:  How Supreme Court Justices' Personalities Influence the Law, the High Court, and the Constitution.  New York:  Cambridge University Press.

Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2016.  U.S. Supreme Court Opinions and Their Audiences.  New York:  Cambridge University Press.


Journal Articles


Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2023.  "Considering Constitutional Change: Survey Evidence on Public Attitudes Toward Term Limits for Federal Judges."  New Political Science 45(2): 335-358.


Ura, Joseph Daniel and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2022.  "Greater Public Confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court Predicts More Jurisdiction Stripping."  Political Science Research and Methods 10(4): 831-839.


Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2021.  "Conscientiousness and Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee."  British Journal of American Legal Studies 10(3): 379-408.


Gimpel, James, Tristan Hightower, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2021.  "The Geography of Law:  Understanding the Origin of State and Federal Redistricting Cases."  Political Research Quarterly 74(4): 779-794.


Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2021.  "On Estimating Personality Traits of U.S. Supreme Court Justices."  Journal of Law and Courts 9(2): 371-396.


Fogarty, Brian, Nasser Qadri, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2020.  "Personalizing the U.S. Supreme Court Through Attention to Individual Justices."  Social Science Quarterly 101(2): 825-841.

Owens, Ryan J. and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2019.  "The Influence of Home State Reputation and Public Opinion on Federal Circuit Court Judges."  Journal of Law and Courts 7(2): 187-214.

Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2017.  "Supreme Court Opinions and Audiences." Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 54: 169-180.

Owens, Ryan J. and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2017.  "Public Mood, Previous Electoral Experience, and Responsiveness Among Federal Circuit Court Judges."  American Politics Research 45(6): 1003-1031.
Enns, Peter K., Nathan Kelly, Takaaki Masaki, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2017.  "Moving Forward with Time Series Analysis."  Research and Politics 4(4): 1-7.
Black, Ryan C., Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2016.  "The Influence of Public Sentiment on Supreme Court Opinion Clarity."  Law & Society Review 50(3): 703-732.
Enns, Peter K., Nathan Kelly, Takaaki Masaki, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2016.  "Don't Jettison the General Error Correction Model Just Yet: A Practical Guide to Avoiding Spurious Regression with the GECM."  Research and Politics 3(2): 1-13.

Owens, Ryan J., Alexander Tahk, Patrick C. Wohlfarth, and Amanda C. Bryan.  2015.  "Nominating Commissions, Judicial Retention, and Forward-Looking Behavior on State Supreme Courts: An Empirical Examination of Selection and Retention Methods."  State Politics & Policy Quarterly  15(2): 211-238.


Owens, Ryan J. and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2014.  "State Solicitors General, Appellate Expertise, and State Success Before the United States Supreme Court."  Law & Society Review  48(3): 657-685.


Enns, Peter K. and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2013.  "The Swing Justice."  The Journal of Politics  75(4): 1089-1107.


Owens, Ryan J., Justin Wedeking, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2013.  "How the Supreme Court Alters Opinion Language to Evade Congressional Review."  Journal of Law and Courts  1(1): 35-59.


Casillas, Christopher J., Peter K. Enns, and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2011.  "How Public Opinion Constrains the U.S. Supreme Court."  American Journal of Political Science  55(1): 74-88.


Ura, Joseph Daniel and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2010.  "'An Appeal to the People':  Public Opinion and Congressional Support for the Supreme Court."  The Journal of Politics  72(4): 939-956.


Wohlfarth, Patrick C.  2009.  "The Tenth Justice?  Consequences of Politicization in the Solicitor General's Office."  The Journal of Politics  71(1): 224-237.


Chapters In Edited Volumes


Enns, Peter K. and Patrick C. Wohlfarth.  2017.  "Making Sense of the Supreme Court-Public Opinion Relationship."  In Handbook of Judicial Behavior (pp. 180-195), eds.  Robert M. Howard and Kirk Randazzo.  New York: Routledge Press.



1115C Tydings Hall
Department of Government and Politics
patrickw [at]