I received a Bachelor’s in Politics and Government from the University of Hartford in 2010. I received a Master’s in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2013. I have recently advanced to candidacy and continue work on my dissertation, “The Road Home: Executive Constraints, Post-Conflict Displacement, and Returnees”. My expected date of completion is May of 2016. 


My field of focus is Comparative Politics. My work - while theoretically influenced - is quantitative. I am experienced with advanced regression and maximum likelihood estimation. I work primarily with Stata, but I am also experienced in SPSS and R. 


My research focuses on post-conflict state building and durable solutions to displacement. I am very interested in how post-conflict political and security institutions affect the conditions and livelihoods of everyday people living in post-conflict areas. In addition to explaining how such processes work, I hope that my work can help to improve such livelihoods.  


As a graduate student at Maryland, I presented my research at the New England Political Science Association’s annual conference. I served as the political theory field representative in the graduate student association. I served as a teaching assistant for courses such as Introduction to Political Theory, Law and Society, and Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods. I have coded for the Mediating Intrastate Crises Project as a research assistant for Dr. Jonathan Wilkenfeld. I have also had the opportunity to create and teach an online summer course in Political Theory.

Areas of Interest

  • Post-Conflict State Building
  • Refugees and Internal Displacement


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    University of Maryland, Government and Politics, 2013
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    University of Hartford, Politics and Government, 2010

Research Topics

  • Comparative Politics
Daniel Creed
Tydings 1135A
Government and Politics Department
dcreed [at] umd.edu