Brandon Ives is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Government and Politics at the University of Maryland.  His research lies at the intersection of international relations and comparative politics, with a focus on identity and its implications for violent and non-violent political behavior.  Published work includes an article forthcoming in Journal of Conflict Resolution.  Another article has received an offer to revise and resubmit from International Interactions, and several other articles are under review and in preparation.  

Before entering the Ph.D. program at UMD, Brandon spent significant time in Asia and the Middle East, focusing on language acquisition, photography, and issues of identity. 


Areas of Interest

  • Identity, ethnic protest, civil conflict, Syria and the Middle East


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    University of Maryland, College Park
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    University of California, Santa Barbara

Research Topics

  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
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5145 Tydings Hall
Government and Politics Department
bjives [at]
Office Hours
Monday: 3:45 - 5:00; Wednesday: 2:00 - 3:30