Autumn Perkey is a Ph. D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park. She specializes in International Relations and American Politics. In 2019, she received her B.A. in Political Science from The Ohio State University. Her research interests include political psychology, conflict processes, wartime public opinion, leader decision-making, experimental and survey methodology, political behavior and identity, and security studies.
Areas of Interest
- Political Psychology
- Conflict
- Public Opinion
- Identity
- Foreign Policy
- Political Behavior
- Security Studies
- Leader Decision-Making
CV: Perkey CV Jan 23.pdf90.25 KB
Degree TypeB.A.Degree DetailsPolitical Science, The Ohio State University
Degree TypeM.A.Degree DetailsGovernment and Politics, International Relations, University of Maryland
Fellowship, United Nations Associations National Capital Area Graduate Fellow, Spring 23
Fellowship, Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship, The Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 22-23
Adele's Circle of Women Leadership Scholarship, University of Maryland, College Park, 2022
Finalist, UMD Outstanding Graduate Student Distinguished Service Award, University of Maryland, College Park, 2022
John K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland, 2022
Summer Fellowship, University of Maryland, College Park, 2020, 2021, 2022
Teaching Innovation Grant Recipient through College Park Scholars International Studies, Summer 2020
2018-09-27Junior Research Process Award, Department of Political Science, The Ohio State University
"Rebel's Agency Problem". Presented to the Peace Science Annual Conference, Denver, CO November 3-4, 2022 with Jennifer Lin, Scott Wolford, and William Reed
"COVID Culpability: Federalism and Assigning Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic". Presented to the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, March 31, 2022 with Sarah Croco
"Rebel's Agency Problem". Presented to the Midwest Political Science Annual Conference, Chicago, IL April 7-11, 2022 with Jennifer Lin, Scott Wolford, and William Reed
"Civilian Casualties, Guilt, and American Identity". Presented to the International Society of Security Studies, Gainesville, FL December 2-4, 2022.
"Civilian Casualties, Guilt, and American Identity". Presented to the Midwest Political Science Annual Conference, Chicago, IL April 7-11, 2022.
"COVID Culpability: Federalism and Assigning Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic". Presented to the Midwest Political Science Annual Conference, Chicago, IL April 7-11, 2022 with Sarah Croco
UMD American Politics Workshop. December 2021. "COVID Culpability: Federalism and Assigning Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic" with Sarah Croco
Participant. Future Strategy Forum, hosted by CSIS, the Kissinger Center, Bridging the Gap, and the MIT Security Studies Program, June 2021
American Political Science Association Conference, Poster Session
American Political Science Association Conference, Lightning Round: Research Design
USM PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium and Professional Conference, College Park, MD
Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Lightning Talk : "Global Justice and Sovereignty: The Problem with Structural Sovereignty and Constitutive Identities"
University of Virginia Politics Graduate Conference (Accepted, Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19)
Participant. Future Strategy Forum, hosted by CSIS, the Kissinger Center, Bridging the Gap, and the MIT Security Studies Program, June 2020
Midwest Political Science Association, Standing ePanel : Public Opinion, "Associative Duties and Just War Theory: Exchange Ratio Analysis of Civilian Casualties Versus Military Fatalities"
Research Topics
- American Politics
- International Relations
Discussant, IR/CIDCM Workshop, Department of Government and Politics, Fall 2021
Discussant, IR/CIDCM Workshop, Department of Government and Politics, Spring 2021
Midwest Political Science Association Conference 2021, Discussant on Voting Behavior Panel
American Political Science Association Conference 2020, Discussant on Political Psychology Panel
American Political Science Association Conference 2020, Chair on Public Opinion Panel
Discussant, American Politics Workshop, Department of Government and Politics, Fall 2020
Discussant, IR/CIDCM Workshop, Department of Government and Politics, Fall 2020
University Senate, Graduate Student Senator Committee Member on the Senate Executive Committee
Graduate Student Senator for BSOS, University Senate, UMD, AY 21-22
Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Graduate Student Government, AY 21-22
Graduate Council, University of Maryland College Park, AY 21-22
Department Representative, Graduate Student Government, University of Maryland, College Park AY20-21
Graduate Student Committee Member, Faculty Affairs, University Senate AY 20-21
Chair of the Legislative Action Committee, Graduate Student Government, UMD, AY 21-22
Committee Member, Governance Committee, Graduate Student Government, AY 21-22
Chair of the Rules Committee, Graduate Student Government, UMD, AY 21-22
Committee Member, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Graduate Student Government, AY 21-22
Committee Member, Elections Committee, Graduate Student Government, AY 21-22
Chair of the Governance Committee, Graduate Student Government, UMD, AY 20-21
Committee Member, Academic Affairs, Graduate Student Government, UMD, AY 20-21
Committee Member, Diversity and Inclusion, Graduate Student Government, UMD, AY 20-21
First Year Committee, Graduate Student Association, GVPT, University of Maryland College Park
Graduate Student Government Representative on the Title IX Advisory Board, UMD
Graduate Student Liaison, BSOS, Teaching and Learning Center, University of Maryland, 20-22
Committee Member, BSOS Dean Search Committee, University of Maryland, Spring 22
Committee Member, Advisor of the Year Award, University of Maryland, Spring 22

Government and Politics Department
perkey [at]
Office Hours
By Appointment