Yuri Saldarriaga is a second-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interests include judicial politics in Latin America, textual analysis, gender and racial discrimination, and human rights. Before enrolling at Maryland, Yuri worked as a legal advisor on human rights issues at national institutions in Colombia including the Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP), the transitional justice tribunal created by the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian Government and FARC rebels. She also interned at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. She has researched legal mobilization, gender, and armed conflicts. At the University of Maryland, she is a member of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Computational Social Science (iLCSS).
Areas of Interest
- Judicial politics, text as data, gender, abortion mobilization, racial discrimination, and human rights.
Degree TypeM.A.Degree DetailsSociology, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
Degree TypeLL.M.Degree DetailsInternational Human Rights Law, University of Notre Dame (U.S.)
Degree TypeLL.BDegree DetailsUniversidad Surcolombiana (Colombia)
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center, Grant Award, University of Maryland. 2024.
Lussier Summer Fellowship, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland. 2024.
Jean Elizabeth Spencer Award, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland. 2023.
Fulbright Foreign Student Program Scholarship. 2014.
Full tuition scholarship for the LL.M in International Human Rights Law. 2014.
Scholarship for the Advanced Course on Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at Åbo Akademi University, Finland. 2013.
Emerging Scholars Conference in Public Law, University of Texas, Austin TX, 2024.
Research Topics
- Methodology
- Comparative Politics