Graduate Student Peer-Reviewed Publications While in the Program or One Year Post Ph.D.

*indicates one year post-Ph.D.




Green MN, Gawehns F. From Congress to the States: Explaining the Emergence and Membership of Freedom Caucuses in State Legislatures. State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 2024;24(4):370-388. DOI:10.1017/spq.2024.24


Meli, A. D. (2024). Who is To Blame? Partisans’ Use of Blame Spreading in Reaction to Unfair or Dishonest Behavior. American Politics Research, 52(2), 128-140.


Gelvez, J. D., &  Angarita Serrano, M. (2024). Incentives war: the consequences of announcing a substitution policy on coca cultivation in Colombia. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, 5(1), 47-57 at




McWeeney, Margaret, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, and Leo Bauer. Rebel Actors and Legitimacy Building. International Politics (2023). DOI: 10.1057/s41311-023-00493-1.

Czymara, Christian S., and Leo Bauer (2023). Discursive Shifts in the German Right-Wing Newspaper Junge Freiheit 1997–2019: A Computational Approach. German Politics. DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2023.2231353.

Englund, C., Vincent, T., and Kopchick, C. (2023) "The Effect of Crude Oil Price Changes on Civil Conflict Intensity in Rentier States". The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 18(2).

Croco, S. E., Cunningham, K. G., & Vincent, T. (2023). Protests and persuasion: Partisanships effect on evaluating nonviolent tactics in the United States. Journal of Peace Research, 60(1), 26-41.

Gelvez, J. D., & Johnson, M. (2023). Los nadies y las nadies: The Effect of Peacebuilding on Political Behavior in Colombia. Latin American Politics and Society, 1-28.

Gélvez, J. D., & Nieto, M. P. (2023). Temporal Twists: The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Crime Dynamics in Colombia. International Criminology, 1-14.

Gélvez Ferreira, J. D., Miranda Aguirre, C., & Nieto Rodríguez, M. P. (2023). De la planeación nacional a la territorial¿ Cómo se diseña y articula la política de convivencia y seguridad ciudadana en Colombia?. Gestión y política pública, 32(1), 131-160.




Huangfu, W., Li, T., & Wu, X. (2022). A Multilateral Donation that Boomerangs Home: Analysing the Donor State Advantage in UN Procurement. The Journal of Development Studies, 1-16.

Lee, Youngjoon. 2022. "Strategic Fiscal Spending: Evidence from China." Governance Published Online at

St Sume, J. and Wong, J.S. (2022), The Role of Race in Political Attitudes Among the Religiously Unaffiliated. Political Psychology, 43: 195-219.




Abelin, Pedro. (2021). POPULISMO E NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DIGITAIS: UM CASAMENTO PERIGOSO?. Conexão Política10(1), 210-233.

Miras, Nicholas S., and Stella M. Rouse. Forthcoming. "Partisan Misalignment and the Counter-Partisan Response: How National Politics Conditions Majority-Party Policymaking in the American States." British Journal of Political Science.  



Safarpour, Alauna C., and Michael J. Hanmer. 2020. “Information about Coronavirus Exposure Affects Attitudes Towards Voting Methods.” Journal of Experimental Political Science. 2020.38 

Bryant, Lisa A., Michael J. Hanmer, Alauna C. Safarpour, and Jared McDonald. 2020. “The Power of the State: How Postcards from the State Increased Registration and Turnout in Pennsylvania.” Political Behavior. 007/s11109-020-09625-2 

Ventura, Tiago. 2020. "Do mayors matter? Reverse coattails on congressional elections in Brazil." Electoral Studies 69: 102242. 

Natalia Aruguete, Ernesto Calvo & Tiago Ventura2020.  “News Sharing, Gatekeeping, and Polarization: A Study of the #Bolsonaro Election.” Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2020.1852094 

Calvo, E., & Ventura, T. 2020. “Will I Get COVID-19? Partisanship, Social Media Frames, and Perceptions of Health Risk in Brazil.” Latin American Politics and Society: 1-26. doi:10.1017/lap.2020.30

Lee, Youngjoon. 2020. “The Rule of Law, Anti-corruption and Land Expropriation: Evidence from China.” China: An International Journal 18(4): 85-101.

McDonald, Jared*. 2020. “Who Cares? Explaining Perceptions of Compassion in Candidates for Office.” Political Behavior. Available online.

Croco, Sarah, Michael Hanmer, and Jared McDonald*. Forthcoming. “At What Cost? Reexamining Audience Costs in Realistic Settings.” The Journal of Politics.

Santos, F.; Tanscheit, T.; Ventura, T.  2020. O Partido dos Trabalhadores e as instituições participativas: a influência da
dinâmica intrapartidária na adoção do Orçamento Participativo [The Workers Party and the effects of intra-partisan dynamics in the adoption of the participatory budgeting experiences in Brazil] Forthcoming in Dados, Rio de Janeiro.

Ciqi Mei and Xiaonan Wang. Forthcoming. "Wire-Walking: Risk Management and Policy Experiments in China from a Comparative Perspective". Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.

Shuoyan Li and Xiaonan Wang. Forthcoming. "Seeking Credibility from Uncertainty: How Formal Cooptation Institution Unleashes Outspoken NGOs". VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.



Arves, Stephen*, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, and Caitlin McCulloch. 2019. "Rebel tactics and external public opinion." Research & Politics 6(3). Available online.

Billing, Trey, and Andrew D. Lugg. 2019. "Conflicted Capital: The Effect of Civil Conflict on Patterns of BIT Signing.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(2): 373-404.

Breslawski, Jori. 2019. "Keeping Armed Actors Out: The Protective Effect of Shuras in Afghanistan." Journal of Global Security Studies. Available online.

Breslawski, Jori, and David Cunningham. 2019. "International Influences on Nonviolent and Violent Contention." International Interactions. Available online.

Banks, Antoine J., and Heather M. Hicks.  2019. “The Effectiveness of a Racialized Counterstrategy.” American Journal of Political Science, 63(2): 305-322.

Jäger, Kai, and Seungjun Kim. 2019. "Examining political connections to study institutional change: Evidence from two unexpected election outcomes in South Korea." The World Economy 42(4): 1152-1179.

McDonald, Jared*. 2019. “Avoiding the Hypothetical: Why ‘Mirror Experiments’ are an Essential Part of Survey Research.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Available online.

McDonald, Jared, David Karol, and Lilliana Mason. 2019. “‘An Inherited Money Dude from Queens County’: How Unseen Candidate Characteristics Affect Voter Perceptions.” Political Behavior. Available online.

McDonald, Jared, Sarah Croco, and Candace Turitto. 2019. “Teflon Don or Politics as Usual? An Examination of Foreign Policy Flip-Flops in the Age of Trump.” Journal of Politics 81(2): 757-766.

Miras, Nicholas S. 2019. "Resistance Is Not Futile: Anti-Trump Protest and Senators’ Opposition to President Trump in the 115th Congress.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 49(4): 932-958

Verma, Dinesh, Rithvik Yarlagadda, Scott Gartner, and Diane Felmlee. 2019. "Understanding Patterns of Terrorism in India (2007-2017) Using Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning." The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society 15(4): 23-39.



Breslawski, Jori. 2018. "In the Spotlight: How International Attention Affects Militant Behavior." Terrorism and Political Violence. Available online.

Hunt, Charles R. 2018. "When Does Redistricting Matter? Changing Conditions and Their Effects on Voter Turnout." Electoral Studies 54: 128-138.

Donnay, Karsten, Eric Dunford, Erin McGrath, David Cunningham, and David Backer. 2018. “Integrating Conflict Event Data”. Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(5): 1337-1364.

Waguespack, David, Eric Dunford, and Johanna K. Birnir. 2018. “Cultural Imprinting, Institutions, and the Organization of New Firms”. Strategy Science 3(2): 426-438.

Breslawski, Jori, and Brandon Ives. 2018. "Killing for God: Factional Violence on the Transnational Stage". Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(3): 617-643. 

Dyck, Joshua, Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz and Michael Coates. 2018. “Primary Distrust: Political Distrust and Support for the Insurgent Candidacies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Primary.”  PS: Political Science & Politics 51(2): 351-357.



Melander, Erik, David Backer, and Eric Dunford. 2017. “The Geography of Organized Armed Violence Around the World”. In Peace and Conflict 2017, eds. David Backer, Ravinder Bhavnani, and Paul Huth. London: Taylor & Francis.

White, Peter B.* 2017. "Crises and Crisis Generations: International Crises and Military Political Participation." Security Studies 26(4): 575-605.

White, Peter B.*, David Cunningham, Kristian Gleditsch, Belen Gonzalez, and Dragana Vidovic. 2017. "Words and Deeds: from Incompatibilities to Outcomes in anti-Government Disputes." Journal of Peace Research 54(4): 468-83.

Abdo-Katsipis, Carla B*. 2017. "Women, Political Participation, and the Arab Spring: Political Awareness and Participation in Democratizing Tunisia." Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 38(4): 413-429.

Marchlewska, Marta, Cichocka, Aleksandra, Panayiotou, Orestis, Castellanos, Kevin, & Batayneh, Jude. 2017. “Populism as Identity Politics: Perceived In-Group Disadvantage, Collective Narcissism, and Support for Populism.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 9(2): 151-162.

Calvo, Ernesto, Kiyoung Chang, and Timothy Hellwig. 2017. “The valence gap: Economic cycles, perceptions of competence, and the party system.” Electoral Studies 45: 163-172.

Coates, Michael, and Shanna Pearson‐Merkowitz. 2017. “Policy Spillover and Gun Migration: The interstate dynamics of state gun control policies.” Social Science Quarterly 98(2): 500-512.

Birnir, Johanna K., David D. Laitin, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, David M. Waguespack, Agatha S. Hultquist, and Ted Robert Gurr. 2017. "Introducing the AMAR (All Minorities at Risk) Data." Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(1): 203-226.

Kane, Catherine, and Caitlin McCulloch. 2017. “Populism and Foreign Policy: Deepening Divisions and Decreasing Efficiency.” Global Politics Review 3(2): 39-52.

Allee, Todd, Manfred Elsig, and Andrew Lugg. 2017.“The Ties between the World Trade Organization and Preferential Trade Agreements: A Textual Analysis.” Journal of International Economic Law 20(2): 333-363.

Allee, Todd, Manfred Elsig, and Andrew Lugg. 2017. “Is the European Union Trade Deal with Canada New or Recycled? A Text-as-data Approach.” Global Policy 8(2): 246-252.

McDonald, Jared A., Zachary A. Scott, and Michael J. Hanmer. 2017. “Using self-prophecy to combat vote overreporting on public opinion surveys.” Electoral Studies 50: 137-141.

Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher, and Katherine Sawyer. 2017. “Is Self-determination Contagious? A Spatial Analysis of the Spread of Self-determination Claims.” International Organization 71(3): 585-604.

Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher, Marianne Dahl, and Anne Frugé. 2017. “Strategies of Resistance: Diversification and Diffusion.” American Journal of Political Science, 61(3): 591-605.

Riley, John H., Kristin Pearson, Mary Kate Schneider, and Lindsay Stimeling. 2017. “Escaping the LRA: Examining the Decision to Disengage from Militarized Dissident Groups.” African Security 10(2): 80-102.

Mei, Ciqi. and Xiaonan Wang. 2017. “Political Incentives and Local Policy Innovations in China.” Journal of Chinese Political Science 22: 519–547.

Beardsley, Kyle, David E. Cunningham, and Peter B. White*. 2017. “Resolving civil wars before they start: The UN security council and conflict prevention in self-determination disputes.” British Journal of Political Science 47(3): 675-697.

Pogrebinschi, Thamy, Ventura, Tiago. 2017. “Mais Participação, Maior Responsividade? As Conferências Nacionais de Políticas Públicas e a Qualidade da Democracia no Brasil” [More Participation, Greater Responsiveness? National Public Policy Conferences and the Quality of Democracy in Brazil]. Revista Dados, Rio de Janeiro.

Maciel, Natalia, Ventura, Tiago. 2017. “O Partido dos Trabalhadores na Câmara dos Deputados: a evolução das bases socioeconómicas e territoriais (1994-2014)” [The Workers’ Party in the Chamber of Deputies: the Evolution of the socioeconomic and territorial bases (1994-2014)]. Revista Opinião Pública, Campinas.



Gomez Vidal, Analia. 2016. “Detrás de la brecha de género: desigualdad en el mercado laboral y diferencias en preferencias económicas”. Revista SAAP. 10(1).

Banks, Antoine J. and Heather M. Hicks. 2016. “Fear and Implicit Racism: Whites’ Support for Voter ID laws.” Political Psychology 37: 641-658.

Hinchliffe, Kelsey L., and Frances E. Lee. 2016. "Party competition and conflict in state legislatures." State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16(2): 172-197.

Allee, Todd, and Andrew Lugg. 2016. “Who Wrote the Rules for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Research & Politics 3(3): 1-9.

McNally, Darragh. 2016. “Norms, Corruption, and Voting for Berlusconi.” Politics & Policy 44(5): 976-1008.

Reed, William, David Clark, Timothy Nordstrom, and Dan Siegel. 2016. “Bargaining in the Shadow of a Commitment Problem.” Research & Politics 3(3): 1-9.

Straus, Jacob R., Raymond T. Williams, Colleen J. Shogan, and Matthew E. Glassman. 2016. “Congressional Social Media Communications: Evaluating Senate Twitter Usage.” Online Information Review 40(5): 643–59.



Cabezas, Jose. M. 2015. “Presidential Support in Latin America 2010-2012: Economic Vote and Political Preferences.” Política.Revista de Ciencia Política 53(1).

Laymon, Barbara, Gulzar Shah, Carolyn J. Leep, Julia Joh Elligers*, and Vibha Kumar. 2015. "The proof's in the partnerships: Are Affordable Care Act and Local Health Department accreditation practices influencing collaborative partnerships in community health assessment and improvement planning?." Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 21(1): 12-17.

Birnir, Johanna K., Jonathan Wilkenfeld, James Fearon, David Laitin, Ted Robert Gurr, Dawn Brancati, Steven Saideman, Amy Pate, and Agatha S. Hultquist. 2015. “Socially Relevant Ethnic Group Structures and AMAR.” Journal of Peace Research 52(1): 110–115.

Herrnson, Paul S., Ho Youn Koh, Michael J. Hanmer, and Claire Smith. 2015. “Message, Milieu, Technology, and Turnout Among Military and Overseas Voters.” Electoral Studies 39:142-152.

Mann, Christopher B., and Genevieve Mayhew. 2015. "Voter mobilization meets eGovernment: Turnout and voting by mail from online or paper ballot request." Journal of Political Marketing 14(4): 352-380.

Sawyer, Katherine, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, and William Reed. 2015. “The Role of External Support in Civil War Termination.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 61(6): 1174-1202

McDermott, Monika, Douglas Schwartz, Sebastián Vallejo. 2015. “Talking the talk but not walking the walk: Public reaction to hypocrisy in political scandals.” American Politics Research 43(6): 952-974.

White, Peter B., Dragana Vidovic, Belén González, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and David E. Cunningham. 2015. “Nonviolence as a weapon of the resourceful: From claims to tactics in mobilization.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 20(4): 471-491.



Calvo, Ernesto, Kiyoung Chang, and Timothy Hellwig. 2014. "Beyond assimilation and contrast: Information effects, ideological magnification, and the vote." Electoral Studies 36: 94-106.

Birnir, Johanna and Eric Dunford. 2014. “A Voice in the Process: A Cross-National Look at Ethnic Inclusion and Economic Growth in the World.” Development 57(2): 55-63.

Gervais, Bryan T*.  2014. "Following the news? Reception of uncivil partisan media and the use of incivility in political expression." Political Communication 31(4): 564-583.

Kirkpatrick, Jesse*. 2014. "A Modest Proposal: A Global Court of Human Rights." Journal of Human Rights 13(2): 230-248.

Inman, Molly*, Roudabeh Kishi, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Michele Gelfand, and Elizabeth Salmon. 2014. "Cultural influences on mediation in international crises." Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(4): 685-712.

Munayyer, Yousef. 2014.  "Crisis Moments." Journal of Palestine Studies 44(1): 97-105.

Gimpel, James G., Frances E. Lee, and Michael Parrott. 2014. "Business Interests and the Party Coalitions: Industry Sector Contributions to US Congressional Campaigns." American Politics Research 42(6): 1034-1076.

Prorok, Alyssa K.*, and Benjamin J. Appel. 2014. "Compliance with international humanitarian law: Democratic third parties and civilian targeting in interstate war." Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(4): 713-740.

Prorok, Alyssa K.*, and Paul K. Huth. 2014. "International law and the consolidation of peace following territorial changes." The Journal of Politics 77(1): 161-174.

Asal, Victor, Justin Conrad, and Peter White. 2014. “Going abroad: Transnational solicitation and contention by ethnopolitical organizations.” International Organization 68(4): 945-978.



Huth, Paul, Sarah Croco, and Benjamin Appel*. 2013. “Bringing Law to the Table: Legal Claims, Focal Points, and the Settlement of Territorial Disputes Since 1945.” American Journal of Political Science 57(1): 90-103.

Banks, Antoine J., and Melissa A. Bell*. 2013. "Racialized campaign ads: The emotional content in implicit racial appeals primes White racial attitudes." Public Opinion Quarterly 77(2): 549-560.

Bramlett, Brittany H*. 2013. "Aged communities and political knowledge." American Politics Research 41(4): 674-698.

Kastner, Scott L., William Reed, and Ping-Kuei Chen. 2013. "Mostly Bark, Little Bite? Modeling US Arms Sales to Taiwan and the Chinese Response." Issues and Studies 49(3): 111-150.

Quinn, David, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Pelin Eralp, Victor Asal, and Theodore Mclauchlin. 2013. “Crisis managers but not conflict resolvers: Mediating ethnic intrastate conflict in Africa.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 30(4): 387-406.

Satana, Nil S., Molly Inman, and Jóhanna K. Birnir. 2013. "Religion, government coalitions, and terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence 25(1): 29-52.

Salmon, Elizabeth D., Michele J. Gelfand, Ayşe Betül Çelik, Sarit Kraus, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, and Molly Inman.  2013. "Cultural contingencies of mediation: Effectiveness of mediator styles in intercultural disputes." Journal of Organizational Behavior 34(6): 887-909.

Lustick, Ian, Yousef Munayyer, Jeremy Ben‐Ami, and Ahmad Samih Khalidi. 2013.  "Symposium: Two states or one? The future of Israelis and Palestinians." Middle East Policy 20(4): 1-28.

Kirkpatrick, Jesse, and Mary Kate Schneider. 2013. “I3M – Interest, Identification, Indoctrination, and Mobilization: A Short Introduction to a New Model of Insurgent Involvement.” Special Warfare 26(4).

Otruba, Alexander P. 2013. "A Case for Applied Political Theory: Popescu's Political Action in Vaclav Havel's Thought." Theory & Event 16(1).

Cohen, Alison K., J. Ruth Dawley-Carr, Liza Pappas, and Alison Staudinger. 2013. "Civic Studies: Fundamental Questions, Interdisciplinary Methods." The Good Society 22(2): 122-136.

Curry, James M., Paul S. Herrnson, and Jeffrey A. Taylor. 2013. "The Impact of District Magnitude on Campaign Fundraising." Legislative Studies Quarterly 38(4): 517-543.

Wendel, Stephen. 2013. Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics. Beijing, China: O'Reilly.



Appel, Benjamin J., and Cyanne E. Loyle*. 2012. "The economic benefits of justice: Post-conflict justice and foreign direct investment." Journal of Peace Research 49(5): 685-699.

Huth, Paul., Sarah Croco, and Benjamin Appel. 2012. “Law and Force in World Politics: The Varied Effects of International Law on the Exercise of Military Power in Territorial Disputes.” International Studies Quarterly 56(1):17-31.

Biggers, Daniel R. 2012. “Can a social issue proposition increase political knowledge? Campaign learning and the educative effects of direct democracy.” American Politics Research 40(6): 998-1025.

Bramlett, Brittany H. 2012. "The Cross‐Pressures of Religion and Contact with Gays and Lesbians, and Their Impact on Same‐Sex Marriage Opinion." Politics & Policy 40(1): 13-42.

Althaus, Scott L., Brittany H. Bramlett, and James G. Gimpel. 2012. "When war hits home: The geography of military losses and support for war in time and space." Journal of Conflict Resolution 56(3): 382-412.

Eralp, Pelin, David Quinn, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Victor Asal, and Michael Brecher. 2012. “Delivering peace: Options for mediators in African intra-state crises.” Peace and Conflict: 85-98.

Davenport, Christian, and Molly Inman. 2012. "The state of state repression research since the 1990s." Terrorism and Political Violence 24(4): 619-634.

Gervais, Bryan T., and Irwin L. Morris. 2012. "Reading the tea leaves: Understanding Tea Party Caucus membership in the US House of Representatives." PS: Political Science & Politics 45(2): 245-250.

Satana, Nil S., Molly Inman, and Jóhanna K. Birnir. 2012. "Religion, legislative coalitions and terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence.

Creek, Heather M.*, and Stephen Yoder. "With a little help from our feds: Understanding state immigration enforcement policy adoption in American federalism." Policy Studies Journal 40(4): 674-697.



Huth, Paul., Sarah Croco, and Benjamin Appel. 2011. “Does International Law Promote the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes? Evidence from the Study of Territorial Conflicts Since 1945” American Political Science Review 105(2): 415-36.

Biggers, Daniel R. 2011. “When Ballot Issues Matter: Social Issue Ballot Measures and Their Impact on Turnout.” Political Behavior 33: 3-25.

Bramlett, Brittany H., James G. Gimpel, and Frances E. Lee. 2011. "The Political Ecology of Opinion in Big-Donor Neighborhoods." Political Behavior 33(4): 565-600.

Brown, Jonathan N., and Anthony S. Marcum. 2011. "Avoiding audience costs: Domestic political accountability and concessions in crisis diplomacy." Security Studies 20(2): 141-170.

Otruba, Alexander Peter. 2011. "Risorgimento in Exile: Italian Émigrés and the Liberal International in the Post‐Napoleonic Era by Maurizio Isabella." Nations and Nationalism 17(2): 474-475.

Kaufmann, Karen M., and Antonio Rodriguez. 2011. "Political behavior in the context of racial diversity: The case for studying local politics." PS: Political Science & Politics 44(1): 101-102.

Oppenheimer, Joe, Stephen Wendel, and Norman Frohlich. 2011. "Paradox lost: Explaining and modeling seemingly random individual behavior in social dilemmas." Journal of Theoretical Politics 23(2): 165-187.

Yoder, Stephen, and Brittany H. Bramlett. 2011. "What Happens at the Journal Office Stays at the Journal Office: Assessing Journal Transparency and Record-Keeping Practices." PS: Political Science & Politics 44(2): 363-373.