Career Development Resources
Click here for more information from the Feller Center for BSOS Academic and Career Advising about jobs related to Government and Politics.
The Feller Center also has resources specifically about applying to federal jobs.
Preparing for a Career in Government & Politics
Many of our students choose to go on to law or graduate school, while many others seek positions in the public, nonprofit, or private sector. In addition to the UMD Career Center, career advising is one of the services available in the GVPT advising office.
If students are interested in working in international development or international affairs they should strongly consider declaring the International Relations concentration. Students should also think about taking courses concentrated on a specific region of the world and developing strong language skills.
Students are encouraged to use some of their electives to take courses that are intellectually and personally rewarding. The best mix of courses varies from student to student. What is important is that a student sees there is room for both career and personal intellectual development.
The University Career Center has many resources to help students identify career options. These resources include job listings, resume referrals, on-campus interviewing and a number of workshops on job search strategies. Students should take advantage of the Career Center's services as well.
Career Planning Timeline
The timeline below provides guidelines for some key tasks that should be completed each year of your undergraduate career to put you on the best path towards success.