A comprehensive study of national government in the United States.
An introduction to empirical research in political science.
An introduction to the theories of rational choice including theories of negotiation and bargaining, elections and voting in democracies, community organizing and the contrast between the roles and performances of government and market.
Examines some of the salient continuities and breaks between the ancient and modern traditions in Western political philosophy.
No description available.
Introduction to game theory with applications to political science, economics and sociology. Topics include preference theory, expected utility theory, Nash equilibria, subgame perfection, repeated games, folk theorems, and evolutionary stability.
The rise of global corporations is one of the distinctive features of globalization. What are the origins of the modern global corporation? What is their impact on politics, society and the economy? This course seeks to convey a sophisticated understanding that goes beyond bumper stickers maligning corporations or celebrating unfettered capitalism, to deepen the students understanding of multinationals as complex and powerful organizations, and to learn a variety of perspectives on multinational corporate activity.
Seminar for students in the GVPT Honors program. Topics vary.
No description.
A series of critical tools and methods used to analyze environmental policy. This class should be of interest to students who are either considering a career or graduate studies in environmental protection.
Introduction to concepts and practices used for measuring political behavior. Political analysis is an increasingly quantitative field, It is crucial for students of political behavior to learn how to define concepts in concrete ways, examine different methods of measuring concepts, learn how to test the quality of chosen measures, learn how to construct richer measures out of multiple questions, and finally how to examine the relationship between multiple measures of similar concepts. Common pitfalls, errors, bias, and ethics will be examined along the way.
An examination of various topics relating to elections; the focus includes the legal structure under which elections are conducted, the selection and nomination process, the conduct of election campaigns, and patterns of political participation and voting choice in different types of elections.
A systematic inquiry into the general principles of the American constitutional system, with special reference to the role of the judiciary in the interpretation and enforcement of the federal constitution.
The principles and machinery of the conduct of American foreign relations, with emphasis on the Departments of State and Defense, and an analysis of the major foreign policies of the United States.
Seminar in Comparative Politics.
A study of the structure, procedures and policies of state and local governments with special emphasis on the state level and on intergovernmental relationships, and with illustrations from Maryland governmental arrangements.
A study of the structure, procedures and policies of state and local governments with special emphasis on the state level and on intergovernmental relationships, and with illustrations from Maryland governmental arrangements.
A detailed survey of lawmaking and the legislative process, emphasizing the U.S. Congress, and its members.
A comparative study of the governmental systems and political processes of the Latin American countries.
A comparative study of the governmental systems and political processes of the African countries, with special emphasis on the problems of nation-building in emergent countries.
Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy