GVPT Student Matthew Zinno Presents Honors Thesis at SPSA
GVPT student Matthew Zinno recently presented his project "Executive Orders Under Scrutiny: The Role of Partisanship and Presidential Approval in Judicial Outcomes" at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
GVPT Student Matthew Zinno Presents Honors Thesis at SPSA - Read more
GVPT Assistant Professor Marcus Johnson Receives a 2025 Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Award (ISRCA)
Marcus Johnson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Politics, has been named one of the 2025 Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Award (ISRCA) recipients. The ISRCA provides up to $10,000 in grant funding to each recipient to support their research and associated expenses.
GVPT Distinguished Professor Margaret M. Pearson Publishes New Article on Chinese Overcapacity and International Trade
GVPT Distinguished Professor Margaret M. Pearson and her coauthor Joshua P. Meltzer, have published a new article in Brookings titled, "How the US should address Chinese overcapacity and its impact on international trade."
GVPT Associate Professor David Karol Featured in The Japan Times
GVPT Associate Professor David Karol was recently featured in The Japan Times, where he shared his insights on the current U.S. political landscape. Commenting on the government shutdown, Karol noted that Democrats had “made the political calculation that it is best to leave the spotlight to Trump and (close ally) Elon Musk.”
GVPT Associate Professor David Karol Featured in The Japan Times - Read more